Brown Harris Stevens

Aug 5, 20211 min

3 Things Every Homebuyer in 2021 Should Know, According to BHS CEO Bess Freedman

Our CEO Bess Freedman recently shared insights with MSN MarketWatch on things current homebuyers should immediately consider when searching in this dynamic market.

Among Bess' advice were three primary points of consideration:

1. Interest rates are at historic lows, but mortgages aren’t always easy to get. Bess highly recommends that anyone looking to buy becomes well-versed in the pre-approval process.

2. There is such an upward pressure on prices now. This, Bess explains, is simply a function of supply vs. demand, as many markets--particularly NYC's suburbs and South Florida--are seeing low supply and high demand in the wake of COVID-19.

3. HGTV isn't real life--there is no such thing as the perfect house. Bess reminds buyers to look at the big picture when buying a new home, as design details like cabinets and fixtures can always be updated over time.

Read the article and explore Bess' insights in full.
