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Listing Tools
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My Leads
My Listings
My Listings
Remember that Maia and reSOURCE are fully integrated? Well there's a handy tool in the Listing Tools feature called My Listings that lets you view all your listings - past present and future.
Within this view you'll be able to sort all the listings you have in reSOURCE by active, sold, this month's listings, this week, today, and any custom filters you want.
If you click into the listing itself, you have all the information related to that listing - including all the requests you've made. This is a great way of keeping track of all the marketing and work you've done for each individual listing.
My Leads
My Leads
Leads are an essential item in real estate - and we wanted to make sure that you have full control over yours. The "My Leads" tool is here to help you organize all your leads in one place.
The data is feeding in from any contact form you have on the BHS website, and if you have other lead sources online we can set up a custom feed. Don't worry, your leads are safe with us - the data is protected with firewalls and high level security, so you are the only person who can see the information.
That's all for this section! You can navigate to other helpful areas in the help center here:
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